Monday, September 21, 2009

This and that.

Yesterday a girl was assaulted and raped in my residence hall, I heard people say that it is impossible, but what about Kittie Genevieve.
Today has been rainy, wet and pretty, but something seemed missing.

I have been falling into a crush with someone I don't even know. Sometimes
I think that the fantasy is all I really want.
I saw here today and my desire had vanished. Sometimes the fantasy is all that really matters.

I'm not sure anymore.
It is really easy to fall through the ice, underneath is the void of meaning.
At least that is how I feel.

Sometimes I feel I need a cheerleader, someone to rise might and give me what I need to continue.
Life continues and so do I, in the end I exist.
Nothingness can be a bitch.

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